
Compact Intelligent Gateway with Digital Input / Output and Node-Red control

  • Linux Open Platform
  • 12ch digital input(counter)/12ch digital output(pulse output)
  • Programming: linux C API, Node-RED (graphic programming environment)
  • Cloud/Database access ,edge data analysis and logic control, data visulization by dashboard
  • Interface:RS-485x2,Ethernet portx2 ,USBx2
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ADAM-6750 - Inteligentny kontroler programowalny w Node-Red - 12 wejść cyfrowych




ADAM-6700 is the edge compact intelligent gateway offers an integrated solution in the form of a Linux-based gateway capable of performing multiple tasks at the edge. Unlike many of its competitors, the ADAM-6700 is equipped with a range of I/O for comprehensive data acquisition functionality.

  • Linux Open Platform
  • 12ch digital input(counter)/12ch digital output(pulse output)
  • Programming: linux C API, Node-RED (graphic programming environment)
  • Cloud/Database access ,edge data analysis and logic control, data visulization by dashboard
  • Interface:RS-485x2,Ethernet portx2 ,USBx2

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