IDS/IPS системи

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  • Transparent security box protects mission-critical machines support for continuous production line operation

    TXOne Networks

    • Easy on-site deployment and network segmentation
    • Works stand-alone or synergizes well with EdgeOne
    • Certified industrial-grade hardware with compact size, power consumption, wide thermal operation range, and durability tailored for OT environments and industrial cabinet design
    • Ruggedized to work well in harsh temperatures
    • Protect vulnerable unpatched devices and legacy systems
    • Signature-based virtual patching protects your assets against OT exploits
    • Operate with a high level of asset visibility using passive asset identification and IT/OT traffic communication within OT networks
    • Minimize downtime for patching or maintenance
    • Increase shadow OT visibility
    • Purify OT network communication
    • Smooth monitoring of events and traffic


  • Transparent Security Box Protects Mission-Critical Machines & Supports Continuous Production Line Operation

    TXOne Networks

    • Easy on-site deployment that seamlessly integrates with your existing network.
    • Works independently and effectively and can be centrally managed by EdgeOne™.
    • Supports hardware failover setup to minimize downtime during patching or maintenance.
    • Creates L3 and L2 baseline policies based on traffic behavior learned in the OT environment.
    • Supports multiple ICS protocols to secure OT network communication.
    • Shields vulnerable unpatched devices with signaturebased virtual patching.
    • Equipped with the configurable hardware bypass feature for high availability.
    • Built with durable, industrial-grade components for harsh environments and temperatures.
    • Redundant power design for OT environments
    • Supports passive discovery methods and IT/OT traffic communication monitoring for asset visibility.
    • Supports flexible search filters to quickly locate specific assets.
    • Built-in log viewer for tracing daily events and monitoring traffic.


  • Efficient inline threat detection to support continuous production line operation

    TXOne Networks

    • Easy on-site deployment and network segmentation
    • Works stand-alone or synergizes well with OT Defense Console™
    • Certified industrial-grade hardware with the compact size, power consumption, wide thermal operation range and durability tailored for OT environments and industrial cabinet design
    • Ruggedized to work well in harsh temperatures
    • Protect vulnerable unpatched devices and legacy systems
    • Signature-based virtual patching protects your assets against OT exploits
    • More features for segmentation and NAT
    • Operate with a high level of asset visibility using passive asset identification and IT/OT traffic communication within OT networks
    • Minimize downtime for patching or maintenance
    • Smooth monitoring and event log creation
    • Increase Shadow OT visibility
    • Purify OT network communication


  • Next-generation industrial IPS system for the small and medium-sized manufacturing sector to support the continuity of the production line

    TXOne Networks

    • Centralized and distributed management with dual-power input for a cabinet and IT rackmount installation
    • Certified industrial-grade hardware with compact size, power consumption, and a wide thermal operation range
    • Gen3 hardware bypass​
    • Signature-based virtual patching to shield vulnerable unpatched devices and legacy systems
    • Risk mitigation by network segmentation​ based on business intention
    • Network trust listing based on protocol and identity
    • Operate with a high level of asset visibility using passive asset identification and IT/OT traffic communication within OT networks
    • Minimize downtime for patching or maintenance
    • Increase visibility, eliminate the shadow OT
    • Works stand-alone or synergizes well with ODC


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